What is Pure Gold CBD and why should consume it?

Pure Gold CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of the most significant cannabinoids in the hemp plant. There are numerous studies that have been carried out global in recent years. I would like to give you a short summary today. The first thing I want to respond is the question I am asked a lot, is CBD a drug? What effect does CBD have? … Continue reading What is Pure Gold CBD and why should consume it?

Everything you should know about Lifter Hemp Seeds

Lifter hemp flower that has truly lived to its name! This appetizing, CBD-rich hemp flower will lift the spirits, giving method for recreation that you so much deserve on a lethargic afternoon. Named after the iconic tomato farmer, Mortgage Lifter, Hemp flower is grown in inside environments, using the finest organic practices in the rich Colorado Springs soil. Its skunk as well as yet sweet … Continue reading Everything you should know about Lifter Hemp Seeds